Thursday, October 27, 2011

Models of learning styles

Tripartite model

The first model is based on three learning approaches: “deep,” “strategic,” and “surface.19,w28 Deep learning is based on three motivational factors (intrinsic motivation, vocational interest, and personal understanding) and three learning processes (making links across material, searching for a deeper understanding of the material, and looking for general principles). Strategic learning is motivated by a desire to be successful and leads to patchy and variable understanding. Surface learning is motivated by fear of failure and a desire to complete a course, with students tending to rely on learning “by rote” and focusing on particular tasks.

Kolb model

The second model is based on Kolb's description of four approaches to learning—concrete experience (experiential learning), abstract conceptualisation (development of analytic strategies and theories), active experimentation (learning through action and risk taking), and reflective observation (viewing problems from multiple perspectives before deciding how to proceed).w100 These four approaches combine to produce four types of learner: “convergers” (emphasise the deductive method), “divergers” (use creative problem solving and view a problem from many perspectives before acting), “assimilators” (prefer an inductive approach), and “accommodators” (prefer hands-on experience as a way of learning).

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

korg penah xdgr dlm quran ade tulis, laki yg baik utk pompuan yg baik, pompuan yg baik utk laki yg baik.

yup. aku penah dgr ayat tu dlm quran.

so, kesimpulannya,

its impossible for me to get a good guy.

even if theres is one, i doubt if i will accept him.

because...aku xnak cemarkan org yg baik jadi evil macam aku

Monday, January 24, 2011


hurm...hari ni kiteorg ade pelancaran KIWEE...the video made by afif fathullah,,or EYL...

aku penah x bagi tahu korg die ni penah masuk dalam mimpi aku? aku tak tahu la ape pasal..tapi memang weird..sebab die siap jadi hero waktu kiteorg sesat dalam hutan..

yang tak tahannya..i've never talked to him before!!! and i never think about him...except i thought yg die ni pandai ambil gambar.

okla mimpi tu mainan setan.xde kene mengene ngan aku

harini aku tension lagi..

first ni, pasal aku tanye sorg kawan skola lame aku ni result die tapi die tanak bagitahu..

its not that aku ni penyebok ke ape..entah la...aku mmg camtu kowt..takpela...its up to you..i always thought yang i shouldnt have befriended him at the first place. coz i will never understand what he think. mistake plg besar aku penah buat.

second, yup tension pasal study la ape lagi..

third sebab uni tak bagi respond lagi..

well tiap2 hari aku ckp pasal bende same...

semalam kiteorg ade le satu usrah ni..naqibh kiteorg xdpt dtg so die soh kakak dr UPSI dtg..kiteorg un rehlah2..and sembang2 setiap org kene bgtau cane dirg dapat sentuhan tarbiyah and ape perubahan dalam diri..

kawan2 aku ni sume bagus2 cite dorunk...

ade sorg ni siap cam nak nangis2 bercerita..wah2..

bile sampai turn aku..kawan aku pun cakap..''cpt la tiqah..dah x sabar dah ni nk tahu cite kau''

punye la tinggi harapan..

aku dr td terfikir2 ape jawapan xde la

aku tak tahu tarbiyah tu hapemende! apsal sume org emoooo giler cite pasal bende ni?

takkan la tetibe org tu boleh berubah 360 degree..

tp ye la..bak kate sorg ni,,,aku da banyak berubah...

yup..mmg aku tahu aku dah bnyk berubah pun


1) dulu aku ni pemalu...nak buat tu malu buat ni malu...

tapi bile masuk ky.. aku jd cam open

2)dulu aku selalu kawan ngan 1 type org je...yg lembut2 sopan santun..

tp bile masuk ky..kawan aku banyak yeah..u get it right?


mungkin aku just xrase kesan tarbiyyah ni cane sebab aku rase aku mmg dah automatik baik dari dulu..since form 1..i mean,,,, i came from religious school whether im bad or good, everything appears to be good..

korg paham x nih?? hadoi.

aku suke ke x perubahan ni?

yup..aku suke!

1. sebab aku jadi lebih x malu nak tanye soalan kat sape2 yg aku nak tny..

2. i view this world as an oppoturnity...

seblom ni aku xske kawan ngan dak2 pandai n cantik ni..sebab aku rase diorg xsuke aku sebab aku xcantik.....tapi be honest,,i just love the way i am....

theres nothing better than what ALlah has planned for you,,,insyaallah..

whats most important thing is, i still love HIM and forever will,,,insyallah...=)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


hoh seghonok pulak aku rase tutup2 bukak blog ni..macm chipsmore bunyi nye!!

bulan 2 ni kakak acap nak kawin!! yey. eh aku plak yg happy.

kakak acap ni muke cam scarlett johanson weh.

so, the wedding will be held between afiqa n his future hubby, musa.

hah. musa ni kawan aku waktu sekolah lame dulu..

die penah gak ar text aku tanye tu tny ni..tapi aku malas nk layan sbeno benonye.

sebab almaklumla..

not my type..

aku suke org xbanyak cakap

n kalau nak pun, biar aku yg start text ko dulu ok

i want to be the pioneer.
kalau nak suke sape yg text aku dulu....maksudnye da belambak2 laa boyfren aku skarg. boyfren tu boring tau x..cayelah..nnt ko da habes ckp sume topik yg ade dlm dunia ni..n taktau nak ckp ape...then die call2 lagi..ko rase cam nak campak je phone tu dalam longkang...hish..menyemak je budak ni.

skang ni cukup la aku ade kwn yg amat setia ngan aku..bez gile..
aku soh die gi tgk tv ngan aku, die pg,
kalau soh tmn aku shoppg,die ikut,,
main basket,,,die jd tukang kejar bola...
.kalau aku down..die pujuk aku..
kalau aku sorg2 kt rmh,,die tido rmh aku.
.kalau aku bengang,,die tenangkn aku...
kalau aku nak men ice skating,,die temnkn..
kalau aku nak pegang tgn die....x berdose..sbb due2 perempuan
kalau aku nk beli susu penuh krim,,die kate baik pilih yg low fat..

wow. ni mcm guard peribadi aku pulak.

so, malam ni family aku da nak berangkat ke best doh. aku nak maslahnye aku ni bukan bijak mcm yg korg sangka...pelajaran aku pun tekontang kanting..tolak sikit je hah...mampus la kau terhayun2 dalam lubang kegagalan tuh..

tu yg aku pelik sbb org asik kate aku ni hakikatnye...faham2 je la.

harini aku rase cam nak pecah pale otak aku study...dgn chem n math yg nk ade test isnin ni...baru la aku sedar betapa bangang pale otak aku...nak wat soklan math seng tu pun xreti..huh!
tapi bak kata pepatah...sedikit2 lame2 jd ler bukit..

si jocelyn tu bijak gile..kekadang jelez la gak..sbb selalu kalau ade kawan aku dtg jauh2 dr kampong topaz semangat nk tny soklan chem kt aku...aku xdpt jwb n tepakse refer kt joce...

ya allahh..bgla aku jd bijakkk cam ming chuen...geeeehehehe..

aku nak fly gi UK bukan IRELAND ok....

Monday, January 17, 2011

today i am so tense.

my alzheimer disease has come back.

the first thing i lose is, my own lovely pencilbox.


it cannot be, man!

whatthehell is this

i am so afraid of losing my mind from day today...i forget nearly everythng!

:forgot to send my cloth to laundry eventhough i've remind myself like,thousand times.

:forgot to send my ielts applcation until my friend reminded me at the end of the class

:forgot to photosta my IC

:forgot where i put my pencilbox

:forgot where i put my keys

all these in one day.

now i know the feeling of the old age people....who started to forgot other people's name,..and slowly,,their own name...


Friday, January 7, 2011

The Scientist

i love this song..=)

The Scientist -coldplay

Come up to meet you
Tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you...
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start...
Running in circles; coming in tails
Heads on a silence apart

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science; science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start

Thursday, January 6, 2011

am i late for my new year resolution yet?

ok this is getting more absurd and ridiculous.

i am now worried!

gAHahaa.u must be saying,, wth..this girl..always started to worry last minute.
its like...i saved the last part just to whining everything from single thing as my homework and more bigger things like prep for interview.

but seriously, i didnt dooooo anything and now i am scared!

-the real post starts here! =p -

anyway, today is 5 jan right? so its not too late to write down my new resolution for the coming new year!

hof coz,,,be more nearer to HIM
-jangan malas2 solat..atau lambatkan solat
-read ma'thurat everyday
-go to surau always and talk more to some good examples...(huh...?!)
-always think about palestinians people more per day

1) eat more healthy food and avoid junk food and too oily food (lameee)
2)try to exercise more and maintain your weight.. must be wondering why i dont say that i want to lose weight..its because...THERES NO USE!

i cannot lose weight plus i am happy with my weight now.. people can say my weight is not really fine (or other harsh words : fat)...but let me make this clear, I AM NOT GOING TO BE A MODEL, so why do i have to get 24cm for my waist?? i love myself now...getting skinnier just going to make me look like an alien with big head..wuahuahua..

1)of course, getting along with everything about interview, ucas and exam...seriously want offer from bristol... why?
-because theres my cousin over there.
-its nearer to london
-its not too far from everybody so i dont feel alone
-its fun
-lots of my senior...=D
-great uni
2)be more disicpline in studying. use morning time to study!
3).avoid procrastination

-be more friendly to other people....see..i am smiling...=)))

gahhahah..the fact that this category is included in my new year resolution is already tickling my stomach...gehhaha..

1)piano......wanna ADD my hand speed to 170kbs...wuho.....
list of songs have to learn completely...
-canon ROCK full version (its so awesome!)
-moonlight sonata
-eine kleine natchmusik
-the entertainer
-the secret garden

2)increase my speed in swimming....coz im aiming for 1st prize in swimmg gala..0.o
3)learn about photography

ok i admit that i am one of those who are so lazy to go outside the house and also more lazy to dress up to go outside the house.. you see, i could be inside the house for the whole one month without stepping away..and also enjoying it.

-so...this year, must be MORE FEMININE when going outside...MORE SMART and CASUAL
(haha..aku pergi kelas piano pakai seluar tidorrr kowt!)
-improve posing in't smile to wide in front of camera because it will make you look dumb
-more serious glance towards the camera..and more meaningful glance..
-more SMART pose infront camera

more beneficial post so that if i die, i can give something beneficial to other living people.
i/allah. =)

what im going to do if.....

ok i really cant understand my senior whos so freaking smart..

they are at UK now..

and only for 3 month something?

so why would they wan to go back in malaysia??

gahahah! is that so depressing in uk that you always want to go back?

weeehhee..i dont know and i am not sure yet whether i can go to UK or not..

but if im there..i think i will spend summer holiday by:

1)travelling around the world with my LOVELY and ADVENTUROUS friends!
we can go skiing, shopping, touring the historical site while awing the creation of ALlah..woww..theres nothing better than this..
this is the priority of my visit:
a)europe..of course..though i've gone here before..but going with friends.maybe it would be different..its not maybe...iTS A MUST!
i put here number one is not because i wanted badly to go here, but its because im sure lots of my friends going to travel jela.
b)mesir(dan negare disekitar2nye)//visiting lots of my awesome friends here..
c)new york...gahahh..
d)new zealand

2)go to london and visit my seniors and probably my friendsSsss..and dos some more shopping..wehaaa

3)if i have finished visiting people and they also got bored seeing my face, i will spend the summer holiday doing part-time job..

4)OR if i think i still have lots of money,, i will do research with the uni with some of my british friendssss..

5)well if im lucky, i wanna volunteer to go abroad and meet more people and more culture and do more volunteer works..


you see,, meeting all those great people with lots of knowledge to give me and lots of things to discover...

man. i wanted to go to UK so badly

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

please guide us

this is an interesting video about what is happening in palestine..

if i said palestine, did you just tick the X button far right of your windows?

im sure some of you will. because theres not many people who REALLY CONCERN about what had happened over there.

''i've got other things to worry about..let they mind their own business''

actually if we think about this properly, these palestinians who defense their land because it is a sacred land for all Muslim are actually those whos been chosen by ALlah..
dont you think THEY are the lucky one?

THEY are chosen by ALLAH to PROTECT the SACRED LAND which ALLAH said in quran Himself!

(though im not recommending that by ''defending'' you go and wait there for the bomb get you to pieces..haha thats a suicide_

what more dignity in this earth you could possessed other than that? to be the guardian of the sacred land.

i heard they said, actually we are more vulnerable when we got indulged with wonderful essential of earth rather than being attacked and ambushed with bombs 24 hour like that.
but of course, we must see everything as a test from HIM. he never test you beyond your capabilities remember?

but you see here, those palestinians living in palestine, they got the special opportunity to go through shortcut to heaven!

oh mine. i am talking about heaven.

i am not good enough. i dont know how am i going to die.

but i pray to ALLAH, so that all of us will die in His Blessings of Husnul Khatimah...amin

Monday, January 3, 2011

are you gripping the root?

Seandainya ada 100 orang pejuang Islam, pastikan salah seorangnya adalah kamu.
Seandainya ada 10 orang pejuang Islam, pastikan salah seorangnya adalah kamu.
Seandainya hanya tinggal seorang pejuang Islam, pastikan dia ialah kamu....

is that true?

if theres only one warrior of ISLAM left in this world, can you convince me that it is YOU who im talking about?

how far are you confidence with this statement?

it is a sad thing that lot of people started to put other things ahead from Islam..

ISLAM is not the first priority anymore in their life..

more important is, what other people going to say,,and i wear the best branded clothes in the world..

is that more important than ISLAM?

how many people still think about the future of islam more than they think about what they are going to do to have lots of money?

congratz to the kafir and their king of demon because of their hardwork and persevere, they managed to deviate young muslim form their main purpose in life, which is to be the khalifah of god..

the main purpose of life is getting bizarre and blurring..more and more form day to day...

every second, people adding their distance from god..without themselves knowing that..

even if they know that, theres nothing they can do because they are following the strong stream flow of HARSH water....going down and down to the BIG HOLE......

and once in the hole, they are like, 'being awaken from the lucid dream' and ask themselve, is this real? and that where they realize everything is already too late.

except those people who grip the ROOT of the TREES TIGHTLY...

and they know they cannot hold it loose..

holding the grip is hard enough

BUT once you let it go,,,

it will be HARDER to start gripping the root back...

and the question is,

are you gripping that strong enough??

Sunday, January 2, 2011

wheres the missing part?

have you ever thought that happiness is a fake one except the true happiness which is the ultimate happiness when you feel close to god?

i am sure you have felt the happiness before, ....and we captured lot of fun and happy pictures..

and when everything is over,,we started to browse back the picture..

and see ourselves laughing in no-motion.....looking so happy like theres no other problem can stop the happiness from prospering...

its like..we intend to capture the HAPPINESS and FREEZE it in the picture by using the camera,,,we wanted to preserve the feeling of happiness..

but we couldnt...

happiness couldnt be captured by freezing it in photo..

because happiness is what you are feeling in your heart right now...

are you happy?

other than that, it is all about people trying to fake other people trying to make them believe that they actually leading a happy life but the fact is, they arent.

theres lot of people pretending that they are happy but deep inside, they know something is missing,,a bigger part of their life is missing...
but they couldnt figure out whats the missing part..

even if they know WHERE is the missing part, and WHAT it is,,

they are too arrogant to admit..

they want to believe that they can make themselves happy..

they think, by BELIEVING can change everything...

but at the end,

they end up at zero again.


do you ever think that happiness is a fake.

i have been trying to be a good girl,,but im frustrated that it always doesnt work for me!

my mind is mingling and juggling everything at once..i am on stress

im leading a stressful life where i am at the dead end and dont know what else to do.

yesterday, my dad gave me some money and told me to bring my sibling to KFC but he said we cant go to mcd..

and then i fought with them because they all want to go to mcd.

i was enraged because they were like challenging me..

trying to test my patience..

I AM NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON WHO CAN STAND on her principals that strong..

i always succumbed to people who persuade me to do something..

at first i said, i dont want to cheat on my dad...

and they were like...''ok goo and b a good girl...u stay in car and we r going to mcd''

and starting from that, i said to myself, that i hate them so much because they made me succumb to their persuasion,,they made me realize that i am very weak person...that i cannot stand on what i believe.

and i said to myself, shes so hypocrite!

4 days vacation

i just came back from my vacation at terengganu, for 4 days..

huh it was a tiring journey. we brought 2 cars because theres a lot of people going and not enough space if only 1 car is used.

so, the one car is my mum+dad+ainul

the other car me, asma', adil, aiman n bob.

ok it was frustrating experience having to sit in the same car with these people due to their annoying attitude...

1)turn up the volume of the speaker too high that it hurts my eardrum..everytime i slow it down, another 5 minutes the volume will be back high again

2)they were so NOISY making WEIRD song and LAUGHING like crazy people and made me feel dizzy again

3)especially asma' and adil...i think they really are crazy. and they disturbed me when i was trying to sleep in the car.

4)Penumpang yang banyak complain
-everytime i was searching for a right route...=
-everytime i pull the stereng little bit strong and they started to say what a bad driver i am.cmplain and more complain.
-everytime i accidentally drove through loophole.they were like,, 'woi rosak ar tayar'..come on its a village road!! theres so many HOLE! you cant expect i can avoid ALL of them.

5)the car had to stop for lot of time due to high 'demand' of the back-seater.

the car was speeding at 180km/h at the highway,,and its not my fault,,it my if theres any saman or whatsoever i am not responsible..

on the way back to bangi, i drove the car and then got quite lost in the middle of KL.

and then they started to be so noisy complaining about i am loser because i can't get the route right. gosh, they were so noisy and thats the reason my right judgement was disturbed.

i realized about myself that i can't be pressured too much..

i mean, i dont grip my principles too strong.