Sunday, January 2, 2011

wheres the missing part?

have you ever thought that happiness is a fake one except the true happiness which is the ultimate happiness when you feel close to god?

i am sure you have felt the happiness before, ....and we captured lot of fun and happy pictures..

and when everything is over,,we started to browse back the picture..

and see ourselves laughing in no-motion.....looking so happy like theres no other problem can stop the happiness from prospering...

its like..we intend to capture the HAPPINESS and FREEZE it in the picture by using the camera,,,we wanted to preserve the feeling of happiness..

but we couldnt...

happiness couldnt be captured by freezing it in photo..

because happiness is what you are feeling in your heart right now...

are you happy?

other than that, it is all about people trying to fake other people trying to make them believe that they actually leading a happy life but the fact is, they arent.

theres lot of people pretending that they are happy but deep inside, they know something is missing,,a bigger part of their life is missing...
but they couldnt figure out whats the missing part..

even if they know WHERE is the missing part, and WHAT it is,,

they are too arrogant to admit..

they want to believe that they can make themselves happy..

they think, by BELIEVING can change everything...

but at the end,

they end up at zero again.

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