Thursday, October 27, 2011

Models of learning styles

Tripartite model

The first model is based on three learning approaches: “deep,” “strategic,” and “surface.19,w28 Deep learning is based on three motivational factors (intrinsic motivation, vocational interest, and personal understanding) and three learning processes (making links across material, searching for a deeper understanding of the material, and looking for general principles). Strategic learning is motivated by a desire to be successful and leads to patchy and variable understanding. Surface learning is motivated by fear of failure and a desire to complete a course, with students tending to rely on learning “by rote” and focusing on particular tasks.

Kolb model

The second model is based on Kolb's description of four approaches to learning—concrete experience (experiential learning), abstract conceptualisation (development of analytic strategies and theories), active experimentation (learning through action and risk taking), and reflective observation (viewing problems from multiple perspectives before deciding how to proceed).w100 These four approaches combine to produce four types of learner: “convergers” (emphasise the deductive method), “divergers” (use creative problem solving and view a problem from many perspectives before acting), “assimilators” (prefer an inductive approach), and “accommodators” (prefer hands-on experience as a way of learning).

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