Sunday, January 2, 2011

4 days vacation

i just came back from my vacation at terengganu, for 4 days..

huh it was a tiring journey. we brought 2 cars because theres a lot of people going and not enough space if only 1 car is used.

so, the one car is my mum+dad+ainul

the other car me, asma', adil, aiman n bob.

ok it was frustrating experience having to sit in the same car with these people due to their annoying attitude...

1)turn up the volume of the speaker too high that it hurts my eardrum..everytime i slow it down, another 5 minutes the volume will be back high again

2)they were so NOISY making WEIRD song and LAUGHING like crazy people and made me feel dizzy again

3)especially asma' and adil...i think they really are crazy. and they disturbed me when i was trying to sleep in the car.

4)Penumpang yang banyak complain
-everytime i was searching for a right route...=
-everytime i pull the stereng little bit strong and they started to say what a bad driver i am.cmplain and more complain.
-everytime i accidentally drove through loophole.they were like,, 'woi rosak ar tayar'..come on its a village road!! theres so many HOLE! you cant expect i can avoid ALL of them.

5)the car had to stop for lot of time due to high 'demand' of the back-seater.

the car was speeding at 180km/h at the highway,,and its not my fault,,it my if theres any saman or whatsoever i am not responsible..

on the way back to bangi, i drove the car and then got quite lost in the middle of KL.

and then they started to be so noisy complaining about i am loser because i can't get the route right. gosh, they were so noisy and thats the reason my right judgement was disturbed.

i realized about myself that i can't be pressured too much..

i mean, i dont grip my principles too strong.

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