Wednesday, December 15, 2010


hah. this is the beginning of my new life. yes. i know, i have to start a new blog. because my old blog, like i said, has been exposed to the BIG BOSS. (my dad).

it feels weird when your dad is reading your blog. seriously. but when he asked me, of course, i wont say anything and give the expression of, yes, go on, read my blog, there;s nothing personal. its true, theres nothing really personal. but i want to be able to express anything that i want in my blog without feeling the pressure of, ok what if he read this and do that and this after that?

its so frustrating me when he first started to read my blog. theres one time i said i love to read book. and suddenly he gave me a book. a brain book.


will meet you soon ok!

this is the third week of holiday. dush. time flies so fast!!!! i haven't done anything yet on my study. i lost my pendrive.

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